
Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Project Underway – We Need Your Input!

Ten PWAG member agencies are working on a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (MJHMP); this is a regional plan that allows us to work together to protect our service areas from the effects of a disaster.  We invite you to look at the draft plans and provide input during this planning process.

An MJHMP consists of a “base plan” that describes the whole group’s geographic area – including seismic and weather information, census data and more.  To understand our MJHMP, start with the base plan and then choose the “annex” (or detailed plan) for the member district you are interested in.  Click the name of the plan you want to read to access the PDF file:

PWAG Draft Base Plan
Rowland Base Plan 1.1.2024

PWAG Member Agency Draft Plan Annexes
Annex-Bellflower 1.1.2024
Annex-Kinneloa 1.1.2024
Annex-La Puente Valley CWD 1.1.2024
Annex-Pico 1.1.2024
Annex-PWAG 1.1.2024
Annex-SGCWD 1.1.2024
Annex-South Montebello 1.1.2024
Annex-Three Valleys 1.1.2024
Annex-Valencia Heights 1.1.2024
Annex-Walnut Valley 1.1.2024

Scroll down for more information on the draft plans and to access the feedback form.

We Need Your Input

Public Water Agencies Group Member Agencies are seeking input from our customers and other stakeholders as we prepare our Hazard Mitigation Plan.  The Plan will help all of us be more resilient against natural hazards. We have completed the Initial Draft Plan and are now ready to proceed with the rest of the planning process. The next step is to reach out to our customers and other stakeholders to gather their questions, thoughts, and recommendations for creating the best plan possible.

What is a Hazard Mitigation Plan?

A Hazard Mitigation Plan is a framework that will guide PWAG Member Agencies in making decisions and developing policies to reduce or eliminate risks to life and property. The plan identifies the types of hazards that threaten the service area, evaluates our vulnerability to those threats, and outlines a strategy to reduce or eliminate the risk posed by those threats. Whether retrofitting infrastructure or adding storm drains, the Plan identifies a range of actions and projects that will help us avoid damage and recover quickly from hazard events.

Why is the Plan Important?

The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 passed by Congress requires that all forms of local government maintain an approved hazard mitigation plan to be eligible for and receive certain types of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other hazard mitigation funds. Receipt of these funds can be critical to the implementation of identified hazard mitigation programs that break the cycle of disaster, damage, restoration, and repeated damage.

Why is My Input Needed?

In order to do a thorough job of identifying and planning for future disasters, we need your input. PWAG Member Agencies want to hear your thoughts on the hazards and mitigation strategy identified in the Hazard Mitigation Plan.

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